1. What is sleep debt?
Sleep debt, simply defined, is the amount of sleep that you owe your body over the past 14 days or so. It’s a running total of the hours of sleep you’ve missed, relative to your sleep need.
So what is sleep need? It is as simple as it sounds, the amount of sleep your body needs in order for you to feel your best. Everyone’s sleep needs are unique, and we wouldn’t be honorable proponents of science if we claimed that one sleep-size fits all.
RISE will automatically calculate your individual sleep need based on your sleep data! You can check what it is by tapping on your profile icon in the top right.
2. How does RISE track sleep debt?
RISE uses sleep data from your phone combined with our algorithm to track how much sleep you owe your body. You can see your sleep debt on the "Sleep" tab of the RISE app.
This number is how much sleep you have missed over the last 14 days. The higher this number is the worse you will feel. Ideally you want to keep this number below 5 hours. If your sleep debt is high, sleep more than your sleep need to get it lower, or take a nap to help pay down some extra sleep debt
For more info on sleep debt, sleep hygiene and how to be a great sleeper, check out our website and blog: https://www.risescience.com/improve-sleep-hygiene